Sports events KOT
We regularly organize sports events for our members and the wider public.

Kids On Track Park Run
Every year in November, we invite our members and their friends to the Kids On Track Park Run – a cross-country run in the Hostivařský lesopark. Children can participate in tracks of various lengths according to age categories. After finishing, each runner will receive a medal and a diploma. There is an orienteering run for families, which offers fun and adventure for all participants.
After the race, the participants and their parents can enjoy the atmosphere by the fire, where they can bake burritos, meet the coaches and their friends and share not only sports experiences together. So Kids On Track Park Run is not only about sports, but also about shared experiences that leave unforgettable memories.

Athletic competitions
At our athletic events, we celebrate every participant as a winner. Regardless of the finishing position, each athlete will receive a well-deserved medal and diploma for their efforts and determination. It is an opportunity to recognize not only the breaking of records, but also the efforts of the whole year.
Our athletic competitions are not only a sporting challenge for each participant, but also an opportunity to convey the important values of fair play and respect for the efforts of each individual. We believe that children leave races with a good feeling and represent such a positive sports experience for them.